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Book your festive challenge now!

Our ZCT elves have been super busy sourcing a sack load of projects for you and your teams to pick from! Whether sprinkling trees with tinsel, wrapping presents with ribbon, or spreading joy with a jolly party - we have lots of ways you can make it a tree-mendous Christmas in your community!   

With a mixture of virtual and face-to-face
 projects, and up to £500 provided per challenge, it couldn't be easier!

To book, please call Judith Thomas 07875 887841

You'll find everything else you need in our Challenge Team Leader Toolkit! >


FARN1F  Christmas Gathering

The Challenge 


Alzheimer Cafe are holding a Christmas gathering including a light supper/buffet for approximately 90 people on Friday 15 December from 6.30-8.30pm at St. Peter's Parish Centre in Farnborough. The charity would like a team to help buy and serve the food and drink, as well as engage and chat to the service users. There is a fully equipped kitchen on-site and volunteers will be on hand to help. It will give local people with dementia, and their carers, an opportunity to enjoy a social Christmas gathering along with the team of volunteers.

Alzheimer Cafe UK

Alzheimer Cafe Farnborough has been meeting monthly for 20 years and their main aim is to reduce the stigma about dementia. They have an annual programme of interactive presentations in a safe, cafe-like environment, where people with dementia and their family carers, feel valued and can benefit from social interaction.

Team size = Medium (6-10)

FARN2F  Quizmasters Needed

The Challenge

Reindeer imageDEBRA are planning a couple of online social Zoom quizzes for different age groups, around the end of November in the evenings (dates to be co-ordinated with the charity). They would like a team to help arrange the content, as well as a few online vouchers for the winners. The charity will host and pre-book the event with their members.


DEBRA is a national charity, with premises based in Farnborough, that supports individuals and families affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). EB is a group of genetic skin conditions that cause the skin to blister and tear at the slightest touch.

Team size = Small (<6)

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FARN3F  In The Bag 

The Challenge

FC Father xmasFareham and Aldershot Hygiene Bank's initiative called In The Bag would like a team to help put together approximately 50 to 75 hygiene items into bags. This will be delivered to the charity so they, in turn, can deliver the items during the early part of December to their service users and clients in the surrounding areas of Farnham. The charity can advise on items needed.

Farnham and Aldershot Hygiene Bank

Farnham and Aldershot Hygiene Bank is a grassroots, people-powered charity, and social movement, grounded in community. Their passion stems from the injustice that people may be unable to fully participate in society due to hygiene poverty, and they work to inspire social change. Hygiene products are donated, collected, sorted, and distributed to their network of community partners - a mix of organisations, charities and schools - who support those pulled into poverty.

Team size = Small (<6)

Booked stamp

FARN4F  Winter Wonderland 

The Challenge

FC Baul baulsHenry Tyndale Community School have a big request, as they want to transform their school hall and staff room into a Winter Wonderland, filled with sensory lights, a snow machine, Christmas decorations, a bubble machine and Christmas music. They also want to have sections of the hall to have different stations, such as an ice and smell area, and a sensory Christmas story area with a tent and small sensory toys for the children. They would love your team to help run the different stations, if possible. Other requests would be a Christmas tree and photo frame with props and a hot chocolate station. This challenge can be booked by multiple teams.

Henry Tyndale

Henry Tyndale is a Community Special School catering for approximately 150 pupils, who have complex learning difficulties across the age range from 2 to 19 years. The school is situated within Farnborough, with the main site in Ship Lane and an Early Years Centre in Mayfield Road. It is also the Lead School for the Better Together Teaching School Alliance.

Team size = Large (10+)

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FARN5F  Calling All Party Planners 

The Challenge

FC Xmas party imageOakleaf plan to deliver a Christmas party for approximately 60 Oakleaf clients, in the afternoon of Wednesday 13 December. They would like a team of volunteers to plan the party, helping with serving food, welcoming clients, decorating the party space at their premises and, ideally, also helping to secure a small gift for each attendee. Oakleaf clients typically experience isolation and loneliness during the Christmas period, so this party will be really appreciated.

Oakleaf Enterprise

Oakleaf provides support to adults experiencing mental illness, through work-related training, counselling and a wide range of wellbeing activities, They are celebrating 25 years as a registered charity this year.

Team size = Small (<6)

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FARN6F  Winter Makeover! 

The Challenge

FC Candy CaneStep By Step would like a team to help decorate their Basingstoke foyer in readiness for Christmas. They would love for a team to provide a Christmas tree with decorations and turn the shared space at the venue into a Winter Wonderland. It would be great for a team to decorate, bring festive snacks/buffet food and make it a real celebration event. If there were funds left, they would like some Christmas gifts for approximately ten of their young people to make this year extra special for them.

Step By Step

Step By Step's mission is to empower young people and prevent homelessness. After 30 years in the housing sector, they know that 24/7 accommodation is merely the base point to be able to transform a young person's circumstances. Step By Step's model of support, encompasses wrap around services, including counselling and personal development and is the key to breaking the cycle of youth homelessness for good.

Team size = Flexible

Booked stamp

FARN7F  A Gift of Kindness 

The Challenge

FC Xmas parcelsStep by Step would like a team to organise some Christmas vouchers for approximately 30 of their young people. They would like to attend a group activity, such as laser tag, bowling or the cinema, so these young adults can have some fun together during the lead up to Christmas.

Step By Step

Step By Step's mission is to empower young people and prevent homelessness. After 30 years in the housing sector, they know that 24/7 accommodation is merely the base point to be able to transform a young person's circumstances. Step By Step's model of support, encompasses wrap around services, including counselling and personal development and is the key to breaking the cycle of youth homelessness for good. 

Team size = Small (<6)

Booked stamp

FARN8F  The Orchard Christmas Party 

The Challenge

FC Xmas party imageThe Orchard Dementia Centre would like to hold a party for approximately 15-20 of their service users. It would be lovely to have a buffet, Christmas music or a singer and some decorations. They would also like Father Christmas to attend if this can be arranged and he is not too busy! A convenient date can be organised with the charity and your team.

The Orchard Dementia Centre

The Orchard Dementia Centre provides crucial care and stimulation for those living with dementia. Situated in beautiful grounds just outside of the centre of Chertsey, The Orchard provides an ideal environment for people with dementia.

Team size = Small (<6)
Booked stamp

FARN9F  Christmas Stockings 

The Challenge

TFC Father xmashe Orchard Dementia Centre would like team to arrange for 21 of their clients to receive a Christmas stocking filled with gloves, scarves, toiletry sets, chocolates and gadgets. They would like these to be delivered in time for their Christmas party - date to be confirmed. The charity can advise you on the gifts to include in the stockings.

The Orchard Dementia Centre

The Orchard Dementia Centre provides crucial care and stimulation for those living with dementia. Situated in beautiful grounds just outside of the centre of Chertsey, The Orchard provides an ideal environment for people with dementia. 

Team size = Medium (6-10)

Booked stamp

FARN10F   Toy Story 2 

The Challenge

FC Xmas parcelsSpotlight UK want some help with their Christmas Toy Appeal. The charity wants to distribute Christmas presents to approximately 50 vulnerable young people and children, within the local area. Many of the children will be going without presents this year, so their aim is to ensure that all children have a positive, memorable Christmas and a gift from Santa. This challenge can be booked by more than one team.

Spotlight UK

Spotlight UK provide emotional and practical support and free activities for children and young people from low income families, children in care, individuals with mental health issues, those affected by domestic abuse or children affected by loss and separation.

Team size = Small (<6)

Booked stamp

FARN11F  Stocking Up At Christmas! 

The Challenge

FC Candy CaneThe Vine Centre would like a team to help them purchase a small gift for the children, as well as some food supplies, for the families they support. The charity helps children from newborn to the age of 16. Some of the older children are carers themselves, so providing a small gift for them would be a dream come true. The charity will be able to provide a list of items most needed. This challenge can be booked by multiple teams.

The Vine Centre

The Vine Centre serves the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the community.. They offer specialist support, opportunities to learn, grow and empower, aiding independence and improving quality of life.

Team size = Small (<6)

Booked stamp

FARN12F  Santa's Elves Needed 

The Challenge

FC Father xmasWoodlarks would like a team to help purchase some small gifts for some of the 200 children they support during the year. They would like your help to buy and wrap some of these presents. For some of the children, this is the only Christmas present they may receive. Woodlarks can give you a list of items and age groups to buy for. This will need to completed by early December, to give Woodlarks time to distribute to the schools and hospices. This challenge can be booked my multiple teams.

Woodlarks Camp Site Trust

Woodlarks Camp Site Trust provides the site and accommodation to enable special schools, hospices or any group that provides holidays for people with additional needs to camp in safety with highly specialised buildings and facilities. They have approximately 1,200 users who have a wide range of needs, from profound and complex physical conditions, all levels of autism and learning difficulties from mild to extreme. They also run work experience projects for young people with additional needs, five days a week.

Team size = Flexible

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