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Programmes from the past

Our past Social Transformation programmes have all contributed to shaping our current funding approach and the areas of need we address. And, though they may be over, they still play a valuable part in our thinking today. Take a look below at the social issues we have previously addressed and supported through our programme funding:

Schizophrenia Programme
£1.7m 1987-1992

Increased and improved services in the North of England for people living with Schizophrenia and their families. 
This included Support Workers, Residential Homes, Supported Flats and Self Help Groups.

Money Advice Programme
(with Citizens Advice Bureau)
£1m 1990 – 1993

Developed innovative money advice services in the UK which helped directly and indirectly many thousands of people facing serious and multiple debts who would not have received help by any other means.

This included the development and roll out of a specialist computer support system for debt work.

The Carers Initiative 
£1.1m 1991-1995

Supported five charities, to work across one Health Authority Region in North and West Yorkshire and Humberside.  The aim was to increase services and support for carers and to positively influence the strategies and service delivery of Health Authorities, Social Service Departments and other appropriate statutory agencies.

Domestic Violence Programme
£2m 1994-2001

Funded 41 organisations to increase the services available to women who experienced violence from men known to them. The programme also acted as a catalyst in developing new projects and attracting funds from other sources.

Dementia Programme
£2m 1995-2002

Worked with 18 charity partners to improve the quality of life for people living with Dementia. This included delivering 1200 training sessions for GPs across Scotland, developing minimum care quality standards across England and Wales and the regional development of the Admiral Nurse Service in the West Midlands health region. 

Inclusion Programme
£1m 2000-2005 

Worked with four charity partners to tackle the problems people faced in some of the UK’s poorest neighbourhoods.  This included supporting the Scarman Trust’s ‘Can Doers’ programme to support socially excluded people to become social entrepreneurs.

Effective Charities Management
£150,000 2000-2003

Supported strategic initiatives to improve the effectiveness of management in voluntary organisations. This included national leadership training for voluntary sector leaders through the Open University and the production of a master class video through a consortium of organisations.

India Programme
£1.7m 1994-2018

Older People Programme
£2.2 million programme over five years

A programme which worked to develop the capacity of 12 NGO partners in Southern India through the combination of unrestricted funding and skillshare through an employee assignment programme. During the programme 105 Zurich employees undertook one month assignments in India to share their skills. Find out more here.

Worked with six charity partners to support the most vulnerable older people. The years 2007 – 2015 marked the final phase of ‘Call In Time’, now a sustained programme, of which we remain a funded member. Find out more here.