Blurred image of boy with mum

Pleased to meet you

About Zurich Community Trust #LoveZCT

Our Story

Through an inspiring range of grant-making, fundraising and volunteering programmes within the UK, Zurich Community Trust (ZCT) has one aim – helping to build a more inclusive and resilient society. 

It’s something we’ve been doing since 1973 which makes us one of the longest-established corporate trusts in the UK! In that time we've awarded grants and brokered business volunteer time from Zurich Insurance UK valued at nearly £100 million to deserving causes.

Through our work with a huge variety of community partners and supported by the funds, time and talent donated by Zurich Insurance UK and its employees, we address a raft of social issues to bring about positive change to those facing tough times. Every year we award over £2 million in grants that help to improve the quality of life for disadvantaged people.

Whilst we are a registered independent charity (no 266983), we are also an integral part of Zurich’s broader and long-held commitment to corporate responsibility.

Welcome to the world of ZCT - your world and ours! Let’s help to make it a better one.


How we work

How we work

We're a grant-maker, fundraiser and volunteer broker which means we wear many hats. Here's what makes us tick!

Our story

Our story

We've seen a few changes since 1973 as well as going through a fair few ourselves. You can see for yourself here...



As an independent registered charity we abide by all the rules and regulations. Our Trustees play a vital role in keeping us on track.

Meet the team

Meet the team

Who does what in the team along with a bit about the ZCT crew, both inside and outside work.

Contact us

Contact us

Got a question? Then we'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line or email and we'll be back in touch.