Image News volunteers week

Volunteers Week 1-7 June - we'll be focusing on the benefits of employees sharing their skills with our partners

June 1-7 signifies a week of celebration in honour of the incredible difference volunteers all over the world make as a result of donating their time. Without them, there would be a tremendous void in the support available to causes and communities all over the globe. 

As part of the engagement programme we deliver on behalf of Zurich UK, we promote and encourage employees of all ages, backgrounds and skills sets to share their skills with you, our wonderful charity partners. This also gives employees the opportunity to further develop their skills and continue to build their confidence. 

Throughout the first half of this year, we've tasked a small focus group to review the process we currently use for managing our skillshare projects. We're excited to be communicating this to our employee supporters during volunteers week. 

We can't make this opportunity possible for employees, without your projects. So, if you feel you would benefit from the loan of certain skills within your organisation, then please do get in touch and let us know. 

Here's quick reminder of your ZCT contacts below:


Lisa Walsh
ZCT Volunteer and Partnership

07875 885168

Ben Wainman
ZCT Volunteer and Partnership Manager

Locations: Belfast, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds,
Manchester, and Newcastle

Tel: 07896 508303


Mark Flay
ZCT Volunteer and Partnership Manager

Tel: 07812 265497