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Summer Challenge 2024

Our 2024 Summer Challenge brochure is full to the brim with community projects. It's time to gather your teams and get ready to raise those volunteering hands to support a local charity near you!

Will this year see your team take on some DIY make-over magic, a valuable virtual venture perhaps, or some good old fashioned party planning? With a vast mix of projects to pick from, we have something to suit every team. Once again this year, we're providing up to 
£500 per challenge, so there's no fundraising required.

Choose your project from Weds 8 May

Book from Weds 15 May 


You'll find everything you need to know via our Team Leader Toolkit link to the right.

#YouMakeItPossible #Challenge2024 #LoveVolunteering #LoveCommunity


Toolkit brochure button

Image - BHM button

Image - BRT button


Image - CDF button


Image - CHT button




Image - CHP button


Image - FRN button


Image - GLA button


Image - LDS button


Image - LON button


Image - SWN button


Image - WHT botton


Image - Other button