1 January 1

Book now - DSC virtual volunteering conference 22 May

Image - DSC conference thumbnail


Inspire, engage, celebrate

Volunteers are an incredible asset to a charity. They give their time, effort, and skills to the charity they choose to support and are vital to its success. And for many charities, volunteers are the lifeline that enables them to continue to support their beneficiaries. But in order to add this value, volunteers must be utilised correctly, managed well and supported throughout. 

There is no doubt that volunteers do an incredible job but managing volunteers is often complex and can be extremely difficult sometimes. And finding the right volunteers for the right role can be hard.

Recent research has found that volunteering is worth around £324 billion a year, equating to almost 15 per cent of UK gross domestic product, so it is clear it is a huge part of our sector and something that needs to be managed well. 

A new DSC conference for 2024

This conference will look at many aspects of volunteer management, including how to recruit and retain volunteers, how to manage difficult situations effectively and explore what the future looks like for volunteering in the UK. 

You will hear from a range of speakers who are experts in volunteering. You will also be able to network with other volunteer managers to share advice and knowledge and talk about the issues you are facing at the moment when it comes to volunteering. We will also celebrate volunteers as we listen to their experiences of working with a charity.  

At the end of the day, we hope you will leave the event inspired and come away with practical advice, guidance and tips on how to manage volunteers effectively. 

Who should attend? 

This conference is for anyone currently working with volunteers to learn best practice, share knowledge and network with others doing a similar role. 

It’s also relevant for charities looking to take that first step into utilising volunteers to support their services and how to do this successfully. 

The conference is especially relevant for: 

  • Volunteer Managers 
  • Volunteer Leads 
  • Anyone working closely with volunteers 

What’s included? 

If you would like to take up this offer, all you need to do is click on the link below to book your place and enter our exclusive code zurich100 when you proceed to the basket.

Important things to note:

  1. The code is for our charity partners only so please do not share this with any other organisations.
  2. Book at the appropriate band rate for your organisation.
  3. By booking you agree to the DSC sharing your information with ZCT in relation to monitoring bookings for this event only.
  4. Please only register a maximum of two people in your organisation, unless otherwise agreed with us.


To find out more about the conference, agenda, speakers and to book your place, click here.