Challenge 2024 Email signature

Bristol, Croydon, Manchester & Newcastle


Gather your Challenge troops and take a look at the projects available for you to pick from this year. Local charities in the Leeds area can't wait to invite you back for some DIY make-over magic, valuable virtual ventures, or some good old fashioned party planning!

Our five different project categories are displayed below. Each challenge will be marked with the icon most relevant to that particular project.

 Project type index


For each project we're providing up to £500 towards costs, so no fundraising required!

For all banking enquiries, please contact your ZCT Administrator, Marie Jones for Bristol, and Cheryl Evans for the other listed locations.


Bristol = Call Mark Flay on 07812 265 497

Croydon = Call Lisa Walsh on 07875 885 168

Manchester & Newcastle = Call Ben Wainman on 07896 508303

#YouMakeitPossible #LoveVolunteering #Challenge2024



BRIS1 A Community Allotment Event!

The Challenge     Entertainment icon


Balloons imageBristol Dementia Action Alliance plan to take their Memory Café participants, and volunteers, to the local dementia friendly community allotment in Bristol on 5 July from 2-4pm. The afternoon will include food, entertainment, and maybe some stalls! It would be lovely if there were a few raffle prizes laid on for the free raffle, so everyone can enjoy the excitement and anticipation of any potential prizes. They will also need all the help they can get with the food (cream teas) and decorations, perhaps some re-useable branded bunting? If you and a few members of the team can attend on the day, that would be amazing.

Bristol Dementia Action Alliance

The Bristol Dementia Action Alliance is a tiny charity, formed in 2013, which has the huge aim to "make Bristol The Dementia Friendly City in the UK". They aim to change people's perceptions around dementia. There is currently over 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, with 4,500 living in Bristol.

Team size = Small (<6)

 Booked stamp


BRIS2    Gardening Therapy!

The Challenge    Gardening icon


The charity has a large garden, which a small team of volunteers keep tidy throughout the year. It could do with a splash of colour and general maintenance, so there is plenty for a large team to do. An existing pagoda and wooden furniture need painting, four existing raised beds need planting with a mixture of salads and vegetables that the café could use, and the existing beds could have new shrubs or bulbs planted under the guidance of the on-site team and volunteer gardeners! This would be a fantastic Challenge for a team that are based in various locations to meet up for a team building day that will also make a difference. Project photos >

The Brightwell

The Brightwell is a therapy centre for people determined to thrive, despite living with disabling symptoms caused by neurological conditions. They have over 400 service users and offer oxygen and neuro-physiotherapy, to help people to stay as active and independent as possible.

Team size = Medium (6-10)

Booked stamp

BRIS3 Bristol Summer Fun!

The Challenge     Entertainment icon

Picnic imageThe charity would love a team to help them with a summer event, or day out, such as a picnic in the park, bowling, or a cinema trip, for around 20 of the people they support in Bristol. Can you and your team organise an event to give them something to look forward to?

The Nelson Trust

The Nelson Trust helps women thrive in their community and supports individuals recovering from addiction.

Team size = Small (<6)

 Booked stamp





CROY1  Party People

The Challenge     Entertainment icon

Summer partyAs with previous years, your help is needed to organise a summer party. You will be required to help with food, drink and some kind of entertainment (maybe a singer/choir or a performance, such as a magic show). The parties over the years have brought much fun and cheer to the visitors. The party is always the the highlight of the summer for the attendees.

South Croydon Day Centre for the Retired

South Croydon Day Centre caters for the elderly in South Croydon. They organise activities, provide hot meals and arrange outings for the purpose of alleviating loneliness and isolation. They believe their service will help improve quality of life and slow down decline due to old age.

Team size = Small (<6)


CROY2 Sandwich Station

The Challenge   Lend a hand

Your job will be to set up a sandwich making station in the Croydon office. Nightwatch need sandwiches to be made up in the day, so they can be delivered ready for their evening service. You will work with the charity to understand what items you need to purchase and how many sandwiches need to be made. This is an excellent challenge to get everyone involved with. Think half hour shifts, with everyone on a rota one afternoon! If your team doesn't have much time, this is a great challenge for you.


Nightwatch is a soup kitchen that runs every night of the year, serving the homeless and very poor people in the London borough of Croydon. They provide food, clothing and other essentials needed by their users to survive.

Team size = Flexible

Booked stamp

CROY3   Especially for You

The Challenge     Lend a hand

You will be tasked with providing 30 resource packs for newly diagnosed clients. Within the resource packs, you will include some goodies and sample-size products, which specifically cater to the needs of the ovarian cancer community. Many people who have undergone chemotherapy treatment report suffering from dry, cracked and sensitive skin. Many products on the market contain harsh, artificial chemicals and can cause irritation for them, so finding a suitable 'kind' product would be much appreciated. They would also welcome any food products that offer a healthier alternative to usual snacks, such as  energy bars or ginger products, to help with sickness.



Ovacome is the UK's national ovarian cancer support charity, who have been providing free information and support to anyone affected by ovarian cancer since 1996. This includes people diagnosed with the disease, or those at risk, as well as family members, friends, and the healthcare professionals working in ovarian cancer treatment and care.

Team size = Flexible

Booked stamp

CROY4   A Mixed Bag

The Challenge   Gardening icon

This challenge is for a  team to do some maintenance on their small, but spectacular, garden, in time for the elders to use when the weather improves over the summer months. This would be one morning for a few hours. They would also like you to upgrade the kitchen cupboards in the main hall, where activity materials, tablecloths, cutlery, drinking glasses are kept. The cupboards are beyond repair, so replacing them, using kitchen flat packs, would be a huge help.


CACFO was established in 1993. Its three-fold ambition is to care for their youth, elders and community. To care for the elders, they run an Adult Day Centre to help tackle social isolation in Croydon. It is open to elders from all communities though the ethnic mix is mostly from the Windrush Generation, reflective of the local population. Their average age is 85 years old and, too frequently, they suffer from varying degrees of dementia, loneliness and other forms of vulnerability.


Team size = Large (10+)

 Booked stamp





MANC2  Allotment of Hard Work

The Challenge    Gardening icon     

Emmeline's Pantry would love a team to come and help them grow fruit and vegetables in their allotment, which will then go into their food bank. Your team would also buy seeds, plants and any other items that are needed.

Emmeline's Pantry

Emmeline's Pantry supports vulnerable women and their families who are living in poverty. Through their referrals process, they provide fresh and halal food, long-life food, toiletries, baby items, sanitary products and clothes. The food bank is available to women who have no recourse to public funds, or are classed as destitute, as well as women who have no money for food because of their current circumstances.

Team size = Small (<6)


Booked stamp

 MANC3  A Day at the Seaside

 The Challenge       Entertainment icon 

Hopewell would love to take their users on a day out to the seaside. Your team will help arrange transport and think of fun ideas that they can do on the day. Some of the users have never been to the seaside, so it would be a day to remember!


Hopewell support the rights of marginalised communities, who face discrimination and inequalities daily due to economic, culture, social, gender, age or logistical situation.

Team size = Small (<6)

 Booked stamp

MANC4     DIY Makeover

The Challenge      DIY

Lifeshare are in need of tracksuit bottoms and joggers. Your challenge is to source these items and deliver them to the charity, then help to put them away in the clothing storeroom. They would also like some help to tidy up the storeroom and make sure it is functional and easy to access for the volunteers.


Lifeshare is the oldest homelessness charity in Manchester. Lifeshare provides crisis support for young people experiencing homelessness or exploitation, founded the Manchester Digital Collective which fights digital exclusion and promotes digital access, and hosts breakfasts for rough sleepers 3 times a week feeding 250+ people each weekend.

Team size = Medium (6-10)

Booked stamp 


NEW1   Help the Homeless

The Challenge       Virtual project      

The People's Kitchen are in need of sleeping bags for their service users that are sleeping on the streets, as they are currently being given out quicker than they can be obtained. They would love a team to source brand new sleeping bags and deliver them to the charity.

The People's Kitchen

The People's Kitchen support rough sleepers, or those recently placed in housing, with no belongings. They make life on the streets a little easier by sharing hot meals and packages of clothing, toiletries, food, mobile phones and sleeping bags. They work with services to enable people to move off the streets and then they provide food, furniture and bedding to their "friends" when they move into their first home. They also offer friendship and professional services to improve mental wellbeing.

Team size = Small (<6)


Booked stamp 

